Cachexia Calcium Candidiasis (Moniliasis) Carcinogenesis Carcinoma Carcinoma in situ Cardiomyopathy CAT scan Catheter Catheterization CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) Cell cycle Cell-cycle specific Cell surface markers Cells Cellular immunity Cellulitis Centigray (cGy) Cervical dysplasia Cervical (lymph) nodes Cervix Chemoprevention Chemotherapy Choriocarcinoma Chromosomes Clinical Clinical trials Clone Clonigenic assay Cobalt; cobalt treatment Coin lesion Colonoscopy Colony Stimulating factor (CSF) Colostomy Colposcopy Combination chemotherapy Combined modality therapy Computerized tomography Cone biopsy Congestive heart failure Consolidation Contralateral Cooperative groups Cortisone CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialities) Cranial irradiation Creatinine clearance Cruciferous vegetables Cryosurgery CT scan Cushing's syndrome Cyst Cystitis Cytogenetics Cytokine Cytology Cystoscopy